PR dari Mommy Farah ma Febrie

Dapet tag nih dari Mommy Farah ma Febrie, tagnya beda. Kukerjain sekaligus deh yaaa….biar besok bisa libuuur…makasi yah Mommy farah ma Febrie….

Ini tag dari Mommy Farah:

Syiiiiiik gampang tagnya….kulemparin lagi deh buat Bunda Nay, Dwi Wulan, Ophie, Ocha Monggo diambil….

Tag dari Febrie:

1. At what age do you wish to marry?
I wish to be married at 23 years old at that time.. but it turned out to be 24 when he finally proposed me.. hihihihi….

2. If you can turn into anything, what do you wish u can turn into?
No thanks .. I’m happy with the way I am now ..

3. If you were stranded on desert island, who are 3 blog buddies you would take with you?
Any of three cool buddies ..

4. Where is the place you want to go most?
Undoubtedly Bandung!!!

5. If you have one dream to come true, what would it be?
go to heaven, of course

6. Who is in your mind right now?
My husband and Azka

7. What are you afraid to lose the most right now?
My family, i think

8. Do you want your 1st girl … a girl or a boy? Why?
A boy, because my husband really wanted to have a boy

9. If you meet someone you love, will you confess to him / her?
If I ever have a chance to meet him again .. maybe yes …

10. List out three good things the person who tagged you
About Febrie?

– Good mommy, great job on taking care those 4 rascals
– Fully responsible on her job
– Nice person to have a chat with

11. What colour do you like? why?
Blue and Green
I would be felling good having those color on me

12. What personality do you hate? why?

13. What would you do if you won a million dollar?
Go to Mecca and spend some with my family and friends

14. What is your ambition?
The best live for my boy

15. What you wanna be after you’re dead?
Mujahidah, i hope

16. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?

17. What would you most achieve right now?
Writing a book

18. What do you think the most important thing in your life?

19. If there’s one thing in your life you want to do but yet unable to, what would it be?
Having a sister for Azka

20. Among all the question asked, which one do you like most?
No. 6

Tag ini aku lempar lagi ke Mommy Farah, Mia, Dessy, Iie, Kiky
Buat yang mau ngerjain PR juga silakan….
Monggo PRnya dikerjain yaaaa….

6 Responses to “PR dari Mommy Farah ma Febrie”

  1. Kiky says:


  2. Pekanbaru! Riau says:

    duah asyik tu liburan.. tapi lain waktu liburnya ke Riau ya…

  3. Tety Kurniati says:

    Dikau termasuk cepat marriednya ya ver, aku umur 27.

    Amiin insya Allah bisa ke Mekkah naik haji

  4. Tety Kurniati says:

    Wah dikau termasuk cepat ya ver marriednya, kalo aku umur 27.

    Amiiin insya allah bisa ke Mekkah naik haji.

  5. Pekanbaru! Riau says:

    belum selsai PR-nya ya mbak?, kok nggak ada posting yg baru??

  6. Solsikke i mit hært says:

    halo sis apa kbr? sorry aku bru kelar ujian….finally fuihh…

    Eh bandung juga menyimpan kenangan utk aku…ihiks kangen batagor riri…..wuaaaaaaaaaaah

    BTW, happy weekend yah

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